Check out the real time video where I capture the making of a robot. Number 500 in my series of robots, that started in 2002. They are drawn directly in Adobe Illustrator using a mouse.


By J Chris Campbell
4-color cover
32 pages
6.5" x 9.25"
Buy for just $6.00
Published by
Adhouse Books


By J Chris Campbell
4-color cover
64 pages
6.5" x 9.25"
Coming This September
Published by
Adhouse Books

Wide Awake 666

39 Different Creators
4-color cover
112 4C pages
Buy for just $9.95
Published by
Wide Awake Press

Check back soon for a chance to get an ultra-cool limited-edition printed collection of all 500 robots.

3 Minute Robot #500 Video

Here is a little special video for all you fine people out in cyberlandia. It only took me 5 years to make 500 robots, a very cool journey and I'm glad I made it in one piece with both eyes. I've decided to let you walk the last 3 minutes with me and see how I work and the "tricks" I use. Watching the video I realize that if I learned some short cuts I could probably get a lot more done in 3 minutes.

Vivonderd Monubot

In the earlier days of doing 3 Minute Robots I timed them by playing a song that was 3 minutes long. So when I decided to do an official 3 Minute Robot for number 500 I knew I'd be using a song and it would be a nice addition to the video. It's Spoon' s Stay Don't Go (itunes link) and yes it runs 3 minutes and 35 seconds. But it's still 3 minutes. :)

Questions Answered

You - Does it really only take 3 Minutes to draw these robots.

Me - Yes. Well, sometimes yes. When I started they were all done in 3 minutes, a speed exercise to warm up my brain and get me going in the morning. But occasionally I would run out of time and the bot wasn’t finished or I wanted to add more detail. It's hard for me to stop if I really get into the bot I'm drawing.

You - Do you draw the robots before you start on the computer?

Me - Nope, each robot is assembled for the very first time on screen, with a mouse. If I'm doing a timed robot, I like to pick out my colors before I start. So I do think about the robots before I dive in. But usually I just start clicking and dragging.

You - I love your robots. Will you please pick up some milk on the way home?

Me - Honey, I'm trying to do an FAQ for my website! Golly!

You - Where do you get your ideas from.

Me - If you've been getting my robots for the past 5 years you'll notice that most of the bots are basically the same robot with just a different head. :) I honestly try to grow and come up with different bots. I even change the style I draw them, to help me explore new directions. Most of my ideas come from what's around me, or I might do a quick search on the Internet to look at illustrator who is way better than me. Sometimes the colors affect the robot in a certain way. Basically lots of different ideas and thoughts come together and shoot out the tips of my fingers so fast that it makes my mouse click and move around. I just sit back and watch the show.

You - I'm not on your mailing list, can I get these nifty robots sent to me?

Me - Sure you can join the 3 Minute List. Just send an e-mail to 3minuterobots-subscribe (at) jchriscampbell (dot) com and follow the directions on the e-mail that is sent to you. Or just e-mail me and I'll put you on there myself. Send and e-mail to: me (at) jchriscampbell (dot) com